Dr. Marcy Wheeler -- who has appeared on MSNBC, as an expert in law and national security, her beat at Empty Wheel -- published a fantastic piece regarding Kash Patel, who critics are warning is Trump FBI Director pick meant to give the finger to the US intelligence community, who otherwise now knows and has the evidence that Trump and the GOP disqualified themselves from office, and are not acting on that evidence but quitting their investigations, scared of Trump's threats to purge anyone who continues to investigate him for his disqualifying crimes.
In the article, Wheeler argued "Trump rolled out this Kash Patel pick is part of spinning false claims about rule of law", and where she is not wrong, because Jeffrey Epstein's and U.S. enemies' Russia's and the Saudi's Trump, Patel, NXIVM's and/or Jeffrey Epstein's Roger Stone, Paul Pressler's Mike Johnson (and/or the male child he "acquired" and "loved" and shared porn with, in order to hold Johnson accountable for his porn shared with this child he acquired per Johnson) Jeffrey Epstein' Steve Bannon, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's GOP, Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's Federalist Society's GOP SCOTUS usurpers, Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch, accused child sex trafficker Matter Gaetz, and/or others have respectively and/or collectively fabricated an alternative universe not based on facts or loosely based on facts mixed in with all sorts of lies and self-serving propaganda meant for this criminal enterprise to evade prosecution.
And so Patel, the GOP, Trump, and these others have been threatening, infiltrating, corrupting, obstructing, and then redefining the whole process -- without evidence they didn't immediate disqualify themselves in face of overwhelming public and private evidence that they did -- and so if they come after anyone who has evidence of their disqualifying crimes -- for example the Editor of UPR News who provided the same to so many different government agencies and agents -- then that's going to be the defense focus regarding reasonable doubt for anyone prosecuted for following the laws of misprision and under coercion by the law to do so.
So no journalist nor activist needs to worry, because if all journalists and all activists come to the defense of any journalist or activist prosecuted by Trump, Patel, Bondi, and/or any others who disqualified themselves from office, then the disqualification of Trump, Patel, Bondi, and/or any others will be the primary defense in proving reasonable doubt, as well as shining light on the weaponization of the justice system by the radical right, as well as reigniting all Trump and Trump conspirator investigations, some of which are at the county and state level outside of the reach of the GOP SCOTUS usurpers, who have been implicated and can't rule on their own cases.
And so fear mongering is really important to this criminal enterprise during this period when they are not yet in power, to significantly chill any attempts to reign them in, as the law and the facts demand, but the threats by this organized crime syndicate have been successful, to the extent that Special Counsel Jack Smith and/or Merrick Garland have cowered from their duty to hold Trump and this crime syndicate responsible, and so the fear mongering is very effective.
The syndicate has been threatening to purge the federal government of non-Trump loyalists. They have threatened journalists (not to publish evidence of disqualifying crimes), which prove false the false narrative Jeffrey Epstein's Australian Rupert Murdoch fed the American people for years to protect Jeffrey Epstein's Trump et alia., and where Fox has allegedly among the highest ratings, and yet how many Americans know that Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump were named in Epstein's book of clients, financiers, and/or associates, and/or how many Americans know that Katie Johnson sued Trump for gang rape with Jeffrey Epstein when she was 13 years old along side Marie Doe who was 12 years old?
So ruling by fear is really important to this crime syndicate prior to being unlawfully-handed the authority to corrupt, abuse, weaponize, and obstruct all future investigations into them and their perceived enemies (anyone able or willing to prove they aren't qualified for office and that all of their changes to the government need to be voided) -- and so the trick is not to be scared, and to instead fight back before and/or after they are let loose on civilized society -- with the facts of Trump's and the GOP's disqualifying crimes based on the public record, including but not limited to John Durham's 06/21/2023 testimony and affirmation to Congress that Trump and the GOP had indeed cheated with an "enemy" of the United States in the 2016 elections, which Baude and Paulsen determined immediately disqualified Trump and the GOP from public office then, but before then because of the documented treason and elections/voter/terrorism conspiracy to overthrow the US by U.S. enemies Russia, Trump, the GOP, Michael Cohen, Felix Sater, Putin, and/or others, specified in the emails of Michael Cohen and Felix Sater 11/03/2015, and we have elucidated the rest across our reporting in the Illegitimate Power and Crossfire Hurricane Origins links above.
As this crime syndicate is global, and supported by many of America's greatest enemies, including but not limited to Russia, it is the moral and legal responsibility of every citizen in every country to stop this organized crime syndicate in any manner they can before and/or after they "take" power in the U.S. or elsewhere, because of their known history and/or their expressed intent of abusing, corrupting, changing, and/or stealing power over the legal landscape of the United States.
There is no elections interference standing for candidates who forever and immediately disqualified themselves for office, nor can such an office legitimately install anyone else into an office, nor can any of them change anything about how the government operates. There is no fruit of legitimacy that can be born from the tree of illegitimacy. Only illegitimate fruit can be born from a tree of illegitimacy, and the same has become a cancer on the globe, as these petrofascists heavily-linked to cults and to several child sex trafficking rings and/or accusations dry and fold global citizens into their darkness.
Zooming out, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, clients, financiers, and/or associates own more than half of the wealth around the world, and they did so in about 20 years. There are about 2,000 to 10,000 other known and unknown (allegedly forged, fake, illegitimate, usurping, pretending, and other 'royals' wealth is not counted for the lists of the world's richest people) billionaires around the world hoping to grow their quarterly assets by 15% or more in a manner that is not sustainable, because 8 billion people need access to those resources required to survive and grow.
And so Russia's and Jeffrey Epstein's overlapping criminal ruling elite of billionaires are waging a war on the entire world, including but not limited to the wars in Ukraine and Israel, and the cyberwarfare waged since at least 2013. Remember that the size of any country's population can retake power in any country on any day if they are united, which is why Trump, the GOP, Russia, and/or these others have been using the Russian military's active measures on the U.S. population, and abroad, to essentially pit the uneducated lower class against the educated middle class, before the middle class can unite the lower class against the criminal ruling elite, whose crimes are now known, public, and in need of immediate accountability, resulting in coup after coup, including judicial coups, resulting in a stolen 2024 election by those who previously disqualified themselves from office, illegitimately justified by the "justices" they weren't allowed to install.
So this is likely why Trump, Patel, the GOP, and/or others have been stalking, cyberstalking, terrorizing, cyberterrorizing, threatening retaliation, intimidating, and/or harming others -- because they are very, very afraid that if the truth comes out, and if they can't control how it comes out, and/or mischaracterize and/or weaponize the same, that they may face jail for life, and/or the death penalty, and so for them, they have behaved themselves into a corner and now they have to attack those who acted honorably to protect the Constitution of the United States so that all people, and not just Jeffrey Epstein's billionaires, are treated equally under the eyes of the law, which these violators are so desperate to defend themselves against, and seemingly in a psychotic manner. This is exactly how trapped animals are expected to behave per animal behavior studies.
The fight-or-flight mechanisms in these very scared people are firing, because they face the end of their lives if they don't evade prosecution, and where among their favorite techniques for evading prosecution are DARVO (switched the role of the victim and the violator), techniques of neutralization, and employing Cialdini's principles of influence and Abraham Vereide's Nazi cult leadership tactics, and where their membership have been characterized as sociopaths, Machiavellian, sadists, and/or narcissists, which are all hypothalamus disorders from the perspective that a sociopaths needs constant satiation of their ventromedial nuclei, craving self-service, and Machiavellians constantly lie to further self-service, and sadists crave the pain, fear, or discomfort of others to bring them joy, again in constant self-service seeking to fulfill black hole hyperthalamic perceived value/reward scarcity needs, and narcissists also often crave self-serving value, and so what some might want to classify as hypothalamic ventromedial nuclei disorders resulting in a type of mental or psychological cancer in a minority of humans, whereby their ventromedial nuclei struggle to be satiated, and so they engage in criminal behavior to meet their perceived scarcity in value/reward/resources, seemingly unable to stop themselves.
The failed billionaire experiment seems to be based on the unaddressed dark triad personality type psychological disorders among those with kleptomania, sadism, obsessive hoarding disorder, sociopathy, and/or Machiavellianism, unable to stop themselves from self-serving to the point that it causes harm to themselves and/or to others, at which point they continue the harmful behavior, unable to stop themselves, which in neurochemistry means unable to resist temptation or impulse due to a hyperactive unmet ventromedial nucleic need triggering their toxic sympathetic or fight-or-flight responses instead of the more peaceful and desirable parasympathetic, relaxed, or "chill" response.
And the public can see the panic and fear on their faces as their mental disorders play out, with them screaming at news cameras, issuing all sorts of future threats to scare others into not acting while they can until they can "take" and abuse power, but always with a deer-in-the-headlights scared-out-of-their-minds look in their eyes and tone in their voice. This level of panic and their ongoing threats make clear they have severe mental and legal problems and they are hoping threats of harming anyone who doesn't support them is enough to keep others from using the law and the facts to stop them.
And so that's who they are most afraid of, anyone with evidence of their ongoing disqualifying crimes willing to stop them, as they would otherwise go to jail for life, if not worse. That's triggered their panic and fear and threats and drives their every privatized socialists' move. That's what every fascist regime devolves into, privatized socialism for those who have (unlawfully stolen) power, and the law for everyone else, or paraphrasing JD Vance's (not even his birth name) Nazi quote, "there is no law, there is only power".
The near total collapse of Trump's social media company calls into question his actual popularity with the American electorate, because if his company had about less than 1% of the population as members on his site by 2024, then this doesn't at all jive with the election results (the question of course is why was he not as popular on his social media site if most of America adored him, and because we know the election machines are linked to the internet, and we know based on the Pennsylvania judicial election that the votes are "flippable", and we know that Russia's Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted to interfering with U.S. elections, and that Putin approved "engineering" Trump/GOP/enemies into power in the US, the results of the 2024 elections are highly suspect, and in fact totality invalid, because the GOP and Trump had previously, repeatedly, and immediately disqualified themselves from public offices, resulting in the GOP SCOTUS usurpers illegitimately-installed by disqualified GOP Presidents illegitimately legitimizing their very own illegitimacy with the retroactive pardon of the Presidents who had disqualified themselves from being able to illegitimately appoint GOP SCOTUS usurpers.
This is how the clowns and ring masters put on a show for their circus election after election, and where this sort of ongoing organized disqualifying criminal enterprise has been going on since at least Nixon and Reagan, if not since WWII, per our Big Pictures section link above.
And so threatening, prosecuting, and/or suing witnesses is a double-edged sword that can collapse this house of cards built on the foundation of an ongoing organized criminal conspiracy and criminal enterprise with many spokes and many players.
Because who knows who those witnesses have spoken with? Who knows what they have given to whom? Who knows who knows? How many copies of the evidence do they need buried, and how copies of evidence and witnesses exist and where, and when and where will those copies resurface in this global war of the failed billionaire experiment of Jeffrey Epstein against everyone else? As NXIVM's Roger Stone once said, "The thing about chaos is that it is fair" and per chaos math theory, chaos always prevails -- because it is sensitive -- to butterflies and to the unknown number of boxes made and distributed by beautiful minds.
Some bells to save us from hell can't be unrung and thus have begun.