The "radical right" crime syndicate and orbit of Jeffrey Epstein and U.S. enemies supporting Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump are well-known professional whiners and spin doctor propagandists, constantly projecting the crimes of their orbit onto the left -- who relative to far right, aren't radical at all -- as an example.
The radical right is the voice of American rape culture, also known as corporate culture, also known as cancel culture, also known as imperial cult culture, who basically argue for a return to or maintenance of jungle savage behavior in hierarchies led by abusive people at every level of society.
They advocate for the twisted and sadistic moral and ethical right of rapists and exploiters to rape and exploit, projecting their evil and crimes onto anyone who tries to hold them accountable or who resists their "news rape", accusing of others of wanting to destroy America, while they advocate for and have literally incited and attempted American destruction and overthrow, and blamed on who? The liberal left, of course. The liberal left is who the radical right blame for the radical rights crimes.
Another one of their favorite projections -- and where projection, DARVO, and the techniques of neutralization overlap in that they reverse the role of victim and violator, arguing that the violator is the victim, and the victim is the violator (for resisting the violator and/or for trying to hold the violator accountable) -- is that there is a "liberal media bias" -- and yet most of the American media is owned by billionaires and multi-million years linked to Jeffrey Epstein's, Trump's, the GOP's, and Russia's organized crime syndicate and orbit, and so of course they are going to project that their radical right media equates to a liberal media bias, of course they are.
Accordingly to Statistica, the following link enumerates the "Leading global English-language news websites in the United States in December 2023, by monthly visits", and where of course this was before Trump was convicted of 34 felonies disqualifying him for public office.
In the top position is the New York Times, which biased media bias sites have specified is far left.
And yet independent journalists, who are lawyers, and who research national security and media propaganda, have pointed out the non-liberal and pro-Trump bias of New York Times, and so how far left could the New York Times actually be?
Here are some examples of the New York Times attacking President Biden, like many others, and yet unlike Donald Trump, President Biden isn't the candidate running for POTUS whose been convicted of 34 felonies, and Trump's companies have been convicted also, as his company and campaign staff have been convicted, and Trump's been accused of raping children and women, and treason, insurrection, sedition, and so many other things, and yet New York Times wants to write about how President Biden is the problem, instead of focusing on how Trump is disqualified from public offices so many different ways. That's a right wing media bias, that's not a left wing media bias in the least.
In fact, Empty Wheel, has consistently attacked the New York Times for their anti-liberal media, and where they have made reference to the New York Times 5,483 times across 549 pages of article links, and so if anything, this supports that the New York Times is not actually a far left publication, and yet media bias "fact checkers" want you to believe that the New York Times is the most popular far left media publication available, or said differently, there is a right wing media bias regarding left wing media bias, also known as a projection.
Now in defense of the New York Times, they have one of the best investigative news teams in the country and have regularly provided the public with evidence of Trump's crimes, but you have to pay them to access that evidence, unlike radical right propaganda channels, which are free, and want as many people as possible to receive their lies and propaganda as the truth. And so we would rank them more towards the center than the left.
And so impoverished America have to pay to sometimes learn about how the far right is destroying the country, or else they have access to free radical right news brainwashing impoverished Americans that radical right policies and administrations that destroyed America are the fault of the liberal left, which again is a right wing media bias, not a left wing media bias.
More simply, only people who can afford to learn the truth are allowed to sometimes gain access to the same, and otherwise Americans have access to free radical right lies, misdirection, distraction, DARVO, the techniques of neutralization, and propaganda, which deceptively project that left wing radicals are trying to destroy America with left wing media bias.
In California and along the West Coast, we have also noticed that in many hotels we have stayed in that provide access to streaming news and news channels, that Fox is always available, but that MSNBC is not always available, and when it is, the right end of the spectrum of MSNBC is what is made available, not the left end, like the news from Rachel Maddow, Ari Melber, Lawrence O'Donnell, Nicolle Wallace, and/or others. Liberal media bias here, or right wing media bias here? If America can barely access liberal media and facts about Trump's, the GOP's, Jeffrey Epstein's, and Russia's overlapping crime syndicates, and can gain great access to their supporters, then how can this be a left wing media bias, when it is a right wing media bias?
CNN is in second position, and is owned by AT&T, named in Jeffrey Epstein's client book with Trump, along with Jeffrey Epstein's Cuomo family, who has worked for Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T's CNN, Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, and news companies linked to Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft.
"Cuomo's early career in journalism included appearances related to social and political issues on CNBC, MSNBC, and CNN. He was a correspondent and political policy analyst for Fox News and Fox Broadcast Network's Fox Files, where he covered a wide range of stories focusing on controversial social issues.[10] When asked if he should be considered a journalist on his show, Cuomo said, "I don't know how that's relevant. I don't care what they classify me as. I'm not forwarding my agenda. That's not my thing. My opinion is irrelevant." When hired for Fox Files Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman, called Cuomo "fearless."[11]"
CNN is also considered to have a left wing media "bias", per the link above, and yet they want you to know that Biden's credibility compared to Trump's is diminishing, so how far left could they be? Sounds like right wing media bias to me. That said, CNN has also covered some fantastic reporting on Trump's crimes, and so we would also rank them more towards the center than the left.
Fox News was ranked in third position and is/was owned/operated by Jeffrey Epstein's Rupert Murdoch, and where it is well known that Fox News is a radical right propaganda outlet, to the extend that they have been sued for almost a billion dollars for their lies to protect Jeffrey Epstein's Donald Trump from going to jail for his crimes disqualifying Trump from public office.
In fourth ranking is MSNBC, whose parent company is Comcast, is linked to Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates's Microsoft.
They are also considered to have a left wing media bias, per the link above, and yet they also want you to know that Biden's run for office, compared to Trump's, is "risky", and yet Trump is the one who is the criminal, not Biden, so how radical left are they really? That said, MSNBC has also covered some fantastic reporting on Trump's crimes, and so we would also rank them more towards the center than the left.
Not surprisingly, Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates has used this to his advantage to scare the public into buying his COVID vaccines, after Mike Flynn accused Bill Gates of intentionally-releasing the same, after Bill Gates helped set up an end of the world food seed bank in Jeffrey Epstein's UK/EU royals' country with Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefeller family.
In sixth rank for most popular news at the beginning of this year, was Yahoo, and yet Yahoo is owned by Jeffrey Epstein's accused disabled child rapist Leon Black through his company Apollo Global Management.
Separately, Yahoo was operated by Jeffrey Epstein's Marrisa Mayer, who met with Jeffrey Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk, Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos, Jeffrey Epstein's Sergey Brin, and Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates, two years after Jeffrey Epstein served a pseudo-prison sentence for soliciting sex from a 14 year old girl (corresponding to the 8th grade).
In 8th place is Google, whose founders are also linked to Jeffrey Epstein as his clients, financiers, and/or associates, per the subpoenas to both founders by the U.S. Virgin Islands' Attorney General's Office's counsel.
Separately, Jeffrey Epstein's Google/Alphabet is the second largest technology company in the world, along with many others linked directly to Jeffrey Epstein.
Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational technology conglomerate holding company headquartered in Mountain View, California. Alphabet is the world's second-largest technology company by revenue and one of the world's most valuable companies.[2][3] It was created through a restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015,[4] and became the parent company of Google and several former Google subsidiaries.[5][6][7] It is considered one of the Big Five American information technology companies, alongside Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft.
Amazon is largely owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos, Meta is largely owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Mark Zuckerberg, and Microsoft is largely owned by Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates.
Jeffrey Epstein's Jeff Bezos' Amazon is the second largest publicly-traded company, Jeffrey Epstein's Rockefeller family's Standard Oil spin-offs Exxon Mobile and Chevron are the third and 10th largest, and Jeffrey Epstein's NetJet's Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway is the the 7th largest, followed by Jeffrey Epstein's Alphabet/Google. Jeffrey Epstein's Bill Gates' Microsoft is the 13th largest, and Jeffrey Epstein's JPMorgan Chase is the 23rd largest. Jeffrey Epstein's AT&T is the 30th largest, and Jeffrey Epstein's Mark Zuckerberg's and Russia's Meta/Facebook is the 31st largest -- but not limited to the same.
Yahoo also allegedly has a left wing media bias per the right wing media bias "fact checker" link above, and yet they want you to consider the "unpopularity" of Biden, and yet convicted criminal, and accused traitor and child gang rapist -- Donald Trump -- has his own personal media company linked to child sex traffickers at PornHub, Paxum porn bank, ICC's child trafficker Putin, and ES Family Trust -- and that media company seems to be regularly-reported as financially-failing or unsustainable, which seems to be a truer measure of Trump's unpopularity, because if he was actually popular, then most or at least a significant number of Americans would flock to his social media company, but they haven't. That said, Yahoo has also covered some fantastic reporting on Trump's crimes, and so we would also rank them more towards the center than the left.
Most, if not all of these companies above, have collectively contributed to the elections campaigns of Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's Donald Trump, the GOP, and/or the financed the Federalist Society, who hand-picked the 6/9 SCOTUS usurpers corrupting their public offices by RICO obstructing justice for the ongoing conspiracy crimes and spokes of the Trump family, the GOP, organized crime linked to Jeffrey Epstein, and other enemies of the United States, including Russia, as accessories after the fact.
And so it isn't entirely clear that "fact checkers" regarding "liberal media bias" are factual after checking their reporting, which obfuscates a (radical) right wing media bias, projected as a liberal media bias.

Fact check this radical right wing media bias and the way they add up their lies to support their conclusions?