Updated 01/25/2024
In an effort to make the (parallel and/or overlapping) origins of Crossfire Hurricane and the resulting Trump prosecutions more consumable -- for the purpose of helping investigators we have contacted to make better sense of his and his conspirators' intentions and motives and to elucidate their underlying crimes -- the following is another attempt to further simplify what is otherwise a series 2002-2006 investigations -- merged by 2013-2014 -- with increasing resolution of an ongoing organized crime syndicate largely linked to the orbit, clients, financiers, friends, obstructers, and/or associates of Jeffrey Epstein by 2024, based on and summarizing an estimated million pages or more of publicly available and non-publicly available evidence.
The selected diagrams herein this article are from our previous reporting, largely found in https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins, but not limited to the same, grouped together herein this article because of their collective ability to communicate the origins of Crossfire Hurricane.
Since then we have further simplified this article across four different slides more or less in chronological order at https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins/1646665_in-four-slides-uprights-news-further-simplifies-the-origins-of-crossfire-hurricane-as-the-underlying-crimes-of-trump-the-gop-russia-the-insurrectionists-the-fake-electors-and-trump-s-stolen-documents, but which was difficult to do, given that some of the ongoing conspiracy spokes aren't as long as others, and where they overlap significantly, and where summarizing a ten year investigation that analyzed a million pages of evidence in four slides certainly left out some details, but provides an overview which should be read before going into the other articles in https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins as an introductory summary.
By following darker arrows from left to right beginning from the top to the bottom in the network diagram above, UpRights News explains our understanding of how a series of whistleblowing events in the San Francisco Bay Area, and later in Sacramento, resulted in the origins of and/or obstruction of justice for Crossfire Hurricane.
The lighter arrows above and below illustrate how different events across time are further related, to explain at least some of the motives and intentions behind Trump, Trump Tower tenant families, CA/Sacramento GOP/RNC, Russia, Alfa Bank, Rosneft, insurrectionists, and/or others conspiring to overthrow the United States between 2015 through to 2024, and some of the key players.
The pink section above explains an ongoing RICO obstruction of justice conspiracy for murder, endangerment, kidnapping, rape, and sex trafficking crimes against children and others, but not limited to the same, by the GOP, Bush, Mueller, and/or Acosta administrations and/or offices between about 2002-2006, for two different ongoing criminal conspiracies that are actually linked.
The first ongoing criminal conspiracy to kidnap, rape, and sex traffic children and others, followed by RICO obstruction of justice for the same, is concerned with Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, which began before 2002, and in New York, Florida, New Mexico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, England, France, and/or elsewhere.
The second ongoing criminal conspiracy to murder and endanger children and others in illegal medical experiments and illegal operations, followed by RICO obstruction of justice for the same, is also concerned with Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, which began by at least 2002 in the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically in Alameda, Berkeley, and Pleasanton, CA, but also involving the States of New York, New Jersey, and/or foreign countries, where the oligarchs operating.
The Editor of Uprights News blew the whistle on this network of medical organizations and oligarchs between at least 2002-2005, because they were operating illegally in a manner that could and did kill and endanger children and others -- including our Editor -- and these medical organizations and oligarchs were linked to Trump Tower tenants, oligarch operations in Russia, CA/Sacramento GOP financing, GOP/RNC financing, government contractors funded by the administrations of CA/Sacramento GOP/RNC, G.W. Bush, Robert Mueller, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, and/or others -- whose administrations obstructed justice for the otherwise protected and mandated whistleblowing activies of the Editor of UpRights News -- who at the time was a medical research professional, and within the scope of his duties, company policies, and the law, he fulfilled his duties by reporting lethal and harmful operating conditions to this network of oligarchs and medical organizations, to remove the threats of harm or death, as a profession would.
But instead of innovating their extremely harmful illegal operations -- which was the original goal of our Editor, to make changes from within as professionals would -- the same instead resulted in the retaliatory and obstructive wrongful termination of our Editor instead -- who then as a professional seeking to protect additional children and others involved in illegal medical experiments and operations from death and serious harm -- blew the whistle against after being wrongfully terminated by these government contractors for doing his job in part because at least CalOSHA found that our Editor and others were subjected to lethal operating conditions that had a reasonable probability of causing their death or serious injury.
Both of these ongoing criminal conspiracies linked to the crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein were RICO obstructed in an ongoing and overt manner by the GOP/RNC, CA/Sacramento GOP/RNC, G.W. Bush, Robert Mueller, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, and/or Alex Acosta administrations and/or offices between about 2002-2006.
Overtly furthering this second ongoing conspiracy in the pink row above -- linked to the ongoing criminal obstruction of justice for the murder and endangerment of children and others -- was Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, specifically linked to the founders, owners, and/or operators of Microsoft (Bill Gates), Google (Sergey Brin and Larry Page), and Yahoo (Marrisa Mayer and Leon Black) -- who conspired in an ongoing manner for at least a decade with East Bay Express, and others, to preemptively defame our Editor in a gainful career ending manner by at least April 2004, when they conspired to preemptively defame our Editor in both printed newspapers and online (forever), letting current and prospective employers of our Editor know that the lawful conduct of our Editor -- meant to protect children and others harmed by illegal medical experiments on them via illegal operating conditions -- made him someone "guaranteed to raise hell" in his places of employment was the closing message distributed in print and/or online by them, and did result in the end the gainful employment prospects of our Editor, and forever, by 2004, and left him without medical insurance, and left him with a workplace related injury that had a significant probability of killing him for no less than 9 years, which he miraculously survived.
Accordingly, the second conspiracy specified in the pink row above, which was linked to oligarchs operating in Russia, the United States, and California, and linked to Trump Tower, and linked to the GOP administrations in the US and in CA/Sacramento, and linked to Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, was overtly obstructed in an ongoing manner by all of them beginning in 2002, then more aggressively by 2004, through to the present day per our ongoing reporting, but not limited to our reporting at https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins.
By 2013, our Editor was both a doctorate of law student and separately a low paid faculty member working for the largest private university in the United States, and the university had a faculty practitioner requirement, which our Editor in part fulfilled with academic research into the organizational learning and development of white collar crimes, public corruption crimes, and organized crimes of the Trump Tower orbit, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP, their financiers, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, and the medical organizations that had so significantly harmed our Editor in the past.
Various laws and Acts of Congress deputized our Editor on behalf of the United States, Editor, and/or others to investigate crimes against the United States, as a qui tam pro se relator, an ongoing criminal conspiracy which had been and was being overtly furthered by government contractors in violation of FARS, False Claims Act, and many other laws in an ongoing complex criminal and civil conspiracy, and overtly furthered because of their ongoing unlawful conduct directed at our Editor.
By 10/20/2013, the Russian Federation began cyberstalking and cyberattacking -- by way of cyberwarfare against the infrastructure of the United States and our Editor's computer and network systems -- the qui tam pro se relator investigation and lawsuit of our Editor.
By circa April 2014, Russia and CA/Sacramento GOP, and/or their direct proxies conspired to break and enter into the office space of our Editor where he was keeping a printed copy of his investigation, and they removed the same and attempted to destroy the same.
By September 21, 2014, CA/Sacramento GOP's Scott Jones and others conspired to stalk, lynch, and illegally harm our Editor, when they unlawfully seized a much advanced copy of our Editor's already enormous investigation, and enormous because it started off as a law school learning exercise and faculty academic research project, which merged into a pro se qui tam civil complaint investigation, seized by "staunch Trump supporter", the infamous Scott Jones, who separately molested his employees, disappeared over $100 million in government funds, and/or operated government facilities in a manner that violated United Nations human rights.
By September 21, 2014, our Editor largely worked on this investigation at the university where he went to school for his MBA, but where he was not gainfully employed (below the poverty level) -- and where he conducted this ongoing organized crime syndicate research into Trump Tower tenants, the Trump Organization, GOP, GOP financiers, Russia, and crime syndicate of Jeffrey Epstein on the networks, computers, and/or fax machines of the university -- and our Editor used Microsoft operating systems and applications, Google searches, and Yahoo to conduct this organized crime research into Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate, Trump Tower tenants, the GOP, and Russia -- and during this 2013-2014 investigation, which was merging former investigations into an ongoing organized criminal conspiracy elucidated by a civil complaint -- Jeffrey Epstein's Leon Black bought out the university that our Editor worked for, and thereafter our Editor was promptly and wrongfully terminated -- and this was determined by the State of California, who ruled the same, and where Leon Black's university defamed our Editor to be able wrongfully terminate him.
More simply, after our Editor investigated organized crimes against murdered and endangered children, himself, and others, including the United States, by the organized crime syndicate and/or orbit of Jeffrey Epstein -- on computers, networks, fax machines, email systems, operating systems, applications, and at a university owned, operated by, and/or answering to Jeffrey Epstein's networked Bill Gates, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Marrisa Meyer, and Leon Black -- Leon Black's university wrongfully terminated our Editor using defamation and perjury.
Shortly thereafter, circa December 2014, Alfa Bank's former advisor, George Fomitchev began cyberstalking and attempt to posture a bribe to our Editor on behalf of Russian oligarchs and/or others.
It is a reasonable inference that the evolving, but lynched, investigation of our Editor by CA/Sacramento Scott Jones et al. -- an investigation into Trump Tower tenants, Trump Organization, Russia, oligarchs operating in Russia, the GOP, friends and coworkers of Scott Jones, their financiers, Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit and/or others -- is why it and/or our Editor were cyberstalked, cyberattacked, stalked, unlawfully-acquired, unlawfully-copied, unlawfully-distributed, RICO lynched, RICO obstructed, RICO intimidated, RICO corrupted, and/or subject to Russian bribes and/or influence by those named therein that investigation and/or their proxies.
Between September 21, 2014 and June 16, 2015 -- after our Editor's investigation had been repeatedly stalked, cyberstalked, lynched, and obstructed in an ongoing manner dating back to at least 2002 through to at least 2007 (when Trump Organization first joined the conspiracy to harm the economic activity of our Editor in overt furtherance of a conspiracy with others from tenant families from Trump Tower, by retaliating against our Editor at or after an employment meeting at KCRA in Sacramento circa June 22, 2007) -- it is a reasonable inference that Sacramento/CA GOP's Scott Jones, his campaign manager Dave Gilliard, and/or others passed the same onto Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC, Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Devin Nunes, Donald Trump, Trump Tower tenant families, GOP financiers, and/or others, because on our Editor's "youngest" daughter's birthday in 2015, Trump ran for office under a GOP ticket.
The cyberstalking and cyberattacks have continued through to January 23, 2024, per the following link.
[On March 30, 2023, Trump specified that most of his recent prosecutions were linked to an investigation he knew about BEFORE he ran for office, which he spun as a "which hunt", and yet Crossfire Hurricane wasn't launched for a full year later, and since then Trump has linked most of his recent prosecutions to investigations into him and Russia, and he has also linked Putin's "genius" invasion of Ukraine to the same, and Hezbollah's "very smart" attack on Israel to the same.]
Accordingly, it is a reasonable inference that the qui tam pro se relator civil complaint investigation lynched by "staunch Trump supporter", Sacramento/CA GOP/RNC's Scott Jones et al., is the investigation Trump knew about BEFORE he ran for office.
Supporting the same, Russia was being investigated by our Editor for having cyberattacked the investigation in 10/20/2013 -- which would make our Editor one of the first civilian targets of Russian cyberwarfare -- during a time when our Editor was investigating on behalf of the government to report to the government, and where he made a preliminary disclosure to Sacramento area law enforcement and to a judge that would later obstruct justice for access to Trump's now proven criminal financial records years later.
Months after Trump ran for office on our Editor's daughter's birthday, Putin's and Trump's Felix Sater solicited Trump's Michael Cohen by email 11/03/2015 to agree to conspired with U.S. enemies Putin and Russia to "engineer" Trump into power.
The reasonable inference is that the GOP, Trump, Russia, and/or others named in the lynched and/or evolving investigation received copies of the unlawfully-acquired and distributed investigation of our Editor, and conspired to overthrow the United States by way of treason and elections fraud with U.S. enemy Russia and/or its sanctioned proxies between 2015-2016 (and thereafter), including but not limited to Alfa Bank, and/or Rosneft, and/or with Jeffrey Epstein's crime syndicate and/or orbit, and/or with others named in the lynched investigation, in overt furtherance of the already ongoing criminal obstruction conspiracy and witness intimidation spokes, to evade prosecution for the murder and endangerment of children and others in illegal medical experiments, and where murder has no statute of limitation, and where obstruction of murder, would form a complex conspiracy for a crime with no statute of limitation and the ongoing or overt obstruction of the same by those named in the lynched and/or evolving investigation of our Editor.
Once the ongoing and snowballing conspirators, including enemies of the United States in a quid pro quo with Trump, the GOP, and/or others in the lynched investigation did successfully conspire to "engineer" Trump and the GOP into office -- then those illegitimately-got offices by way of treason and elections fraud by December 2015, and/or others who played earlier critical roles in the ongoing conspiracy, conspired to further obstruct justice between November 2015 (Putin's and Trump's Felix Sater and Trump's Michael Cohen) and December 2015 (Trump's and the GOP's Mike Flynn and Putin) through to the present day, per the yellow row or section above in an increasingly complex, snowballing, accumulating, overt, and/or obstructing and intimidating manner.
Perhaps the most important facts specified in the yellow row in the diagram above -- elucidate that both the champion of Crossfire Hurricane investigations (Dianne Feinstein) into Trump's crimes with Russia (which resulted in the Mueller Investigation, and which Trump linked to his subsequent crimes on March 30, 2023 -- and separately the obstructers and corrupters of the Mueller Investigation, Trump's crimes, and/or SCOTUS (Bill Barr, H.R. McMaster, Harlan Crow, and/or others) -- ALL personally met with the family of our Editor AFTER Crossfire Hurricane was launched (so after July 2016), which was a year AFTER Trump specified he knew of investigation into him and Russia (June 2015), which was less than a year AFTER the investigator of our Editor was stalked and lynched by the GOP, Trump orbit, Russia, Alfa Bank, Rosneft, and/or their proxies (between October 2013 and December 2014, and thereafter).
The diagram below provides much more details for the same events described by the diagram above, overlapping with the orange and yellow sections of the diagram above. Please note that the color schemes across the different diagrams below are not in synch with the diagram at the top of the page, though the content is related and overlaps as specified.

This next diagram also provides more detail regarding the orange and yellow sections of the diagram at the very top of this article, but focuses more on how the companies of different West Coast billionaires linked to Jeffrey Epstein's clients, financiers, obstructers, and/or associates overtly furthered harm against our Editor.

The diagram below, explains more detail for the pink and orange rows of the diagram found at the very top of this article. Due to limits of our web host and document generators, readers may have to zoom to read some of these diagrams.

The following diagram also provides additional detail for the orange rows or orange section in the diagram at the very top of this article, and overlaps with article materials regarding why the credit for catching the Golden State Killer went to Sacramento/CA GOP's/RNC's Ann Marie Schubert and/or Scott Jones, when they weren't the people whose offices are who solved the case, per our previous reporting.

Another troubling pattern that our investigation elucidated was the strong connections between some of those global elite harming our Editor and the United States above, and largely child sex trafficking rings, as specified across our reporting, linking and even merging the child sex trafficking rings of Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM, Hamish Ogston, PornHub, Paxum porn bank, ES Family Trust, Qanon (born out of 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun child pornography and sex trafficking sites), ICC's Putin's child (sex) trafficking arrest warrant, and Jeffrey Epstein's and Russia's infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russia's sanctions lawyer to discuss both aiding, comforting, and adhering to U.S. enemy Russia, and how to traffic children from Russia to Jeffrey Epstein's Trump family through "adoption" schemes, and in the context that some of Trump's chief supporters have been heavily linked to pedophiles, child sex trafficking, and/or themselves "acquired" the children of other people via illegal adoption schemes, specifically Mike Johnson, the GOP Speaker of the House, and GOP's Matt Gaetz, and where numerous GOP states have since passed laws or tried in order to force children into genital checks when their parents aren't around -- is in part summarized in the diagram below.
The broader implication is that it seems the evidence points to a pretty broad network of pedophiles and child sex traffickers networked with one another, and conspiring to overthrow the United States and/or other governments to seize control of their surveillance and justice systems, but also furthering all sorts of other crimes, in what could readily be described as a sprawling ongoing organized crime syndicate with RICO, obstruction, treason, insurrection, sedition, elections fraud, stalking, cyberstalking, kidnapping, child sex trafficking, child rape, financial crimes, and/or witness, victim, and government informant intimidation conspiracy spokes, but not limited to the same per our publicly-reported and government-reported investigations.

Much more detail is found at https://www.uprightsnews.com/crossfire-hurricane-origins, and/or https://www.uprightsnews.com/, but not limited to the same, as we have specified herein, across our reporting, and to federal and states' investigation teams investigating overlapping matters.