Above is the shape of the symbol representing and/or known as the heart, along with one of the many different mathematical equations for the shape of a heart, others found below.
Note that some of the derivations of these heart equations in the link above, and/or cardioid curves (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardioid) resemble a peach (food) or vagina (sexual organ), as do some other third order curves, like the curve and/or fractal known as the Witch of Agnesi (found in the link and then the image below), which similarly resembles a single mons publis, vulva, and/or vagina, and/or fractals of the same, and/or when the circles are taken collectively, look like the tapered penis of some animals looking up at the same. (Parental/legal advisory/warning: The Wikipedia article link below presents actual and/or medical photos of vaginas and vulvas for comparison to curves, which some communities may or may not be sensitive to).
The point here is that there are many different equations that result in the shapes of environments, foods, and/or sexual geometries, which different people are attracted to and/or crave. And so one could argue that we crave certain mathematical curves, equations, geometries, and/or patterns, which we explore in this article, and related articles.
Similarly, the geometries found in the Witch's curve above, and in other curves below, are also similar to the Limacon trisectrix curve, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lima%C3%A7on_trisectrix, which is a common geometry of many drupes or stone fruits, including but not limited to cherries and peaches.
As similar geometry can be found in the following cochleoid and negative pedal curve equations, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_pedal_curve and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochleoid.
In previous articles, we explored how the crave center of the brain, the ventromedial nucleus in the hypothalamus, is responsible for our perceived cravings, wants, needs, scarcity, and satisfaction, and how the same motivates us, and/or can be used to influence, incite, and/or control us, and yet how all the same is linked to our cravings for patterns like, but not limited to, geometric fractals (reoccurring shapes within the environment, our food, and/or our bodies) -- in the context that we also learn by repetition or patterns -- which is why billionaires, their social media companies, their news companies, their advertising, and their movie and TV companies repeat the same or similar propaganda over and over and over again, to get us to accept their propaganda pattern is the truth.
In this article, we build on this article above, and explore the hypothalamus' ventromedial nucleus' perceived cravings, wants, needs, scarcity, and satisfaction, from the perspective of specific mathematical functions, equations, and their geometry.
As our biological CPU (computer processing unit), we argue across our articles that the hypothalamus is responsible for much of our existence/history, and/or interaction with the same, and so much so that we dedicated an entire news section to the same, as the same is the driving force between what we and others love, crave, hate, fear, flee from, and/or relax with, and how the same motivates our behaviors, the subjective or moral relativism values we give to perpetual change, and/or our performance, and where performance is our ability to survive and grow as individuals, groups, organizations, and interorganizations (countries).
More simply, pheromones and hormones aside for the moment, and personality types, power positioning, and/or riches also aside -- most of us are attracted to specific types of environments, food, people and/or genders, and the same is automatic, in that we don't have to think much about the same -- we know it when we see it, and we crave the same in an automatic manner.
Even more simply, we are attracted to and/or repulsed by the shapes or geometry of a person and/or people.
This may sound strange, but let's explore some familiar geometries to illustrate.
Beginning with the heart above, the actual human heart doesn't look anything like the symbol for a heart, and so why do human beings use this symbol?
"Peepal leaves were used in artistic depictions of the Indus Valley civilisation: a heart-shaped pendant originating from there has been discovered and is now exhibited in the National Museum of India.[1] In the 5th–6th century BC, the heart shape was used to represent the heart-shaped fruit of the plant silphium,[2] a plant possibly used as a contraceptive and an aphrodisiac.[3][4] Silver coins from Cyrene of the 5th–6th century BC bear a similar design, sometimes accompanied by a silphium plant and is understood to represent its seed or fruit.[5]
Since ancient times in Japan, the heart symbol has been called Inome (猪目), meaning the eye of a wild boar, and it has the meaning of warding off evil spirits. The decorations are used to decorate Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, castles, and weapons.[6][7] The oldest examples of this pattern are seen in some of the Japanese original tsuba (sword guard) of the style called toran gata tsuba (lit., inverted egg shaped tsuba) that were attached to swords from the sixth to seventh centuries, and part of the tsuba was hollowed out in the shape of a heart symbol.[8][9]
The combination of the heart shape and its use within the heart metaphor was developed in the end of the Middle Ages, although the shape has been used in many ancient epigraphy monuments and texts. With possible early examples or direct predecessors in the 13th to 14th century, the familiar symbol of the heart representing love developed in the 15th century, and became popular in Europe during the 16th.[10]
Before the 14th century, the heart shape was not associated with the meaning of the heart metaphor. The geometric shape itself is found in much earlier sources, but in such instances does not depict a heart, but typically foliage: in examples from antiquity fig leaves, and in medieval iconography and heraldry, typically the leaves of ivy and of the water-lily."
Accordingly, one of the earliest references to the heart was a sexual one, "In the 5th–6th century BC, the heart shape was used to represent the heart-shaped fruit of the plant silphium,[2] a plant possibly used as a contraceptive and an aphrodisiac."
Intuitively, this makes perfect sense because the shape of a heart also mirrors the geometry of both the underside of men's and/or transgender persons' penises (A), as well as the front or topside of women's vulvas (B), as well as the side profile of lush human lips (D), as well as the buttocks of women, men, and/or transsexuals (C), as illustrated below.
Again, there are many different equations for the basic shape of a heart, which when graphed, result in the characteristic symbols associated with this heart, love, and/or sexual attraction symbol.
Except, depending on how wide, tall, skinny, fat, and/or short you crave to draw a heart, the equation presented above will differ, and can be expressed many different ways to result in the shape most of us would recognize as a heart.
Similarly, there are many other geometric curves we are attracted to -- and where here, some may want to jest and make accusations of objectophilia (people attracted to shapes or objects) -- the truth of the matter is that all geometric shapes, even the most complex ones, have equations that define one or more of the shapes, and so herein this article, we are exploring the language of math to describe the geometries humans crave, and where it turns out that because of all of the different variables in different equations, which allow for substitution of other equations, which result in similar geometries when graphed, that there are often more that one set of equations that will result in geometries we humans crave.
For example, consider the Weierstrass curve below, where depending on the value of b, the graph will change the smoothness and/or amplitude of the crests and/or through below from something that looks like a normal distribution curve, cos or sin wave, or common kindergarten-drawn ocean wave, deviating to something that looks more like a furry moustache, as found below.
"In Weierstrass's original paper, the function was defined as a Fourier series:
where 0<𝑎<1, 𝑏 is a positive odd integer, and
The minimum value of 𝑏 for which there exists 0<𝑎<1 such that these constraints are satisfied is 𝑏=7. This construction, along with the proof that the function is not differentiable over any interval, was first delivered by Weierstrass in a paper presented to the Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften on 18 July 1872.[3][4][5]
In what may ultimately be argued as a Rorschach test -- a psychological ink test [graphs that resemble sin (sin x + cosy y) = cos (sin xy + cos x)] to determine the Myers Briggs (Personality) Type Indicator (MBTI) personality difference between those with dominant intuition personality types (seeing the hidden patterns) versus those with dominant sensing personality types (taking things for face value, and not seeing the hidden patterns) -- the Weierstrass function or equation, when graphed, results in what might also resemble an M.C. Escher lithograph -- where if you focus on the white part of the image above it looks like the eye level of an exaggerated women's vagina's labia or vulva silhouette, but if you focus on the dark part of or area under the graph (the integral), then it looks like the perspective of a man look down on his penis, scrotum, and/or legs, and/or a dark man having sex with a white woman's vagina and/or breasts, depending on how you perceive the same, or not, and so slightly tweaking this equation may refine the Weierstrauss curve until it resembles geometries of an individual's desire, or not.
In previous articles, we have argued that the ventromedial nucleus crave center of the hypothalamus craves common fractals, which themselves are complex curves, and where the Weierstrass function in its non-smooth expression resembles a fractal of a mountain, and where we have attempted to prove the same by identifying categories of geometries found in nature, food, and on the human body, but which Benoit Mandelbrot, chaos mathematics, and/or multivariate data analysis and graphing (which results in fractals) have since found applications for in genetic recombination, predicting the weather, predicting where a tree will rise in a forest, and where the branches on that tree will be found, as well a financial markets predictions.
The reason this is important is because, per our previous reporting, the crave center of the ventromedial nucleus is essentially craving similar fractal shapes/geometries for food, sex, mating, and relaxation, which if acquired results in the relaxed state of the hypothalamus or the parasympathetic response, but if not acquired, some animals will fight to the death to acquire what they crave, and/or put their lives as risk, hard-wired to do so, after tripping the sympathetic flight or flight rage and fear complex of the hypothalamus.
And so the Weierstrass equation above also resembles water, ripples in the sand on a beach (which can separately resemble fit abdominal muscles or "6 packs" and "8 packs", or the distribution of clouds in the sky, but not limited to the same.
Non-differentiability of the Weierstrass curve results in what resembles the lush or puffy top part of the heart symbol, resembling rolling hills, which again resemble breasts, buttocks, face cheeks, lips, eyelids, scrotum, and/or labia, or not, depending on how any individual perceives and/or processes the information they sense with their eyes, which are almost directly wired to the hypothalamus, housing the crave center of the brain, the ventromedial nucleus.
Half of the same -- only one side of the top of a heart symbol -- might be described as Forrest's quadratic or cubic amendments of Bezier curves -- which can separately be manipulated to look like anuses, assholes, and/or Jeffrey Epstein's Elon Musk's and/or Jeffrey Epstein's and 9/11's Saudis' "X" (formerly Twitter) -- and so a fitting symbol for the lot of them.
The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem when graphed out results in geometric expressions which again resemble lips from an above or below eye level perspective, and/or buttocks from a side view, and/or labia/vulva from a side view, in part illustrated below. Note, the same also resembles bananas as well as a leaf, two things humans eat. And so we think we crave food, sex, and/or a mate, and yet the common denominator are similar geometric shapes we are craving. Additional proof? Can a blind person's crave center be situationally-triggered by a nearby food and/or a mate, if the blind person can't sense the same in any manner (for example far enough away not to be able to smell or touch the same)? The answer is likely not, and where the same could be clinically-tested to likely prove the same. And so sensing something we crave helps us crave the same.
Again, as many different equations result in similar geometries, consider that the above geometry is also similar to two of the following bicorn curves.
Bezier curves, like the one below, can further be manipulated into what resemble the circular shapes of the eyes' irises, nipples, belly buttons, anuses, vaginas, penis holes, and/or other circular geometries, like the Times Roman font capital letter O, approximated below. Note the same also looks like drupes or stone fruit.
Accordingly, we crave similar environmental, food, and sexual geometries, and the same part of the brain is responsible for those cravings, further supporting it is the geometry our hypothalami's ventromedial nuclei crave.
Another equation resulting in a similar geometry is found in what is known as a Cartesian oval, or a circle within a circle, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartesian_oval, and/or Lemniscate (of Booth) curves, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemniscate, this last curve more closely resembling peas in a pod, grapes on a vine, eyes, and/or breasts, also similar to the Ovals of Cassini, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassini_oval.
Elliptical curves -- which are similar to elliptical circles, x squared + y squared = r squared -- result in geometries that resemble penises, vaginas, penises in vaginas, nipples, anuses, penises in anuses, and/or other similar shapes.
The rectangular hyperbola may also be another geometry we crave, xy =1, and/or x squared - y squared = 1, resembling face or butt cheeks, shoulder blades, cleavage, a part of the "hour glass" figure, and/or other body parts.
Another equation for should blade geometry and/or bowed legs, can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kampyle_of_Eudoxus.
Similarly, the Quadratrix of Hippias curve and related equation undeniably resemble the female clitoral and urinary structure, when graphed, but also resemble the dissected view of a green onion, a plank of wood, a penis in a vagina, and a braided stream.
Similarly, the equation for a deltoid, when graphed, resembles a shape many might perceive resembles a vagina, in red below.
Already referenced, but a normal distribution curve resembles a hill in nature, or a mound, and/or a single breast, cleavage for two breasts, and/or the puffy, protruding, and/or meaty pubis mons and/or vulva of a female vagina, represented by the dark area/image under the curve -- and/or the cleavage of buttocks, and/or breasts, but not limited to the same, when the negative (the white space below) of the following image is considered, and the dark area under the curve is ignored. Collectively taken (the dark and the white areas below), they are a rough approximation of a penis entering a vagina, breasts, and/or anus. Again, this is less of some twisted sexual fetish or perspective of the author here, and more a mathematical expression of the geometries that different people find arousing.
More simply, there are certain shapes different people are aroused by, and/or crave in their environments, foods, and/or sexual partners, and these equations herein, when graphed, result in these shapes or curves herein this article, which seeks to quantify what our hypothalami crave using equations, and/or their derivations.
The hour glass shape, neck and shoulder shape, hip shape, and/or thigh gap shape, can in part be created using the following curves related to the cube of x = y.
As specified above, the shapes found across most of the world can be described by geometry and thus by the equations for the curves, when graphed, result in the shapes we use to describe the world, and so there is an equation for virtually every shape, and so we aren't trying to find sexual shapes where there are none, but rather trying to track down the equations that describe shapes we crave in different environments, foods, and/or sexual partner(s).
Here is an equation for a penis, ((x-a)squared + (y-a) squared - a squared) ((x +a) squared + (y-a) squared/y.
Here is an approximation of that graphed equation.
What is super interesting is why certain shapes cause us to crave those shapes. The culprit is the hypothalamus, which is like the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer, which processes all sorts of different information to coordinate how the computer is used.
The ventromedial nucleus is what is responsible for our cravings, seeking fulfillment by the happy molecule (for example oxytocin) pushers or governors of the hypothalamus surrounding the ventromedial nucleus, and where depending on the ratio of female to male hormones regulated by our hypothalami after birth, this will result in us craving different sexual geometries.
This theory of ventromedial nucleic hypothalamic endocrine-based geometric craving and satiation predicts that food, drugs, gambling, power, social exposure, risk, leisure, and/or other cravings preferences -- or the opposite -- are are affected by the ratio of male and female hormones in any given person after their born, affecting the sort of fractals, patterns, habits, behavior, and/or geometries craved and/or sought by any given person.
An interesting clinical/psychological experiment would be to map hypothalami and/or total brain responses and changes in hormones to exposure to different geometric curves found in natural environments, food, and/or sexual partners, in two different groups, with sexual preferences sub-groups.
The first group would be shown peaches, mountains, porn, bananas, carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, oranges, v-shaped valleys, clouds, images of men, women, transgender, and/or other photos. The second group would only be shown the mathematical curves that result in the matching geometries, to see if there is a significant difference in the brain and hormone response between images, and/or the mathematical expressions resulting in their geometries.
Accordingly, now or one day you can brag to your friends that geometry literally turns you on.